The Consumer Dream which makes us happy and content but docile at the same time. The system that we live in works as a force of social control.
Sigmund Freud
New theory of human nature. He is the father of psycho-analysis, a theory which is still a modern discipline today. We only understand a small percentage of our make up and how we act in certain ways. one of Freud's contentions is that in our core we have very basic animal drives, this is all stored in the ID which contains the animalistic desires which are repressed and never thought about but Freud argues that these drive everything we do - actions, thoughts etc...
Civilisation and its Discontents (1930) freud argued that there is a fundamental tension between civilisation and the individual. As a hangover from our evolution we retain a very violent and sexual instincts which are part of our makeup but we cant act on in our civilised society. The human instincts are incompatible with the well being of the community. We are constantly frustrated and we can never realise the actions which we want to act upon. We displace these desires onto other things and this is where consumerism comes in. If these instinctual desires are acted upon then you become happy and content, you feel like you are living.
WW1 mass destruction on a large scale. This was a vindication for freud as it clarified his forming theories. This is what happens when you suppress peoples natural instincts.
Edmund Bernays
He channeled the ideas of Freud into a discipline known as public relations. He was employed to work in the war as a propagandist. What he realised was that if you could find a way to attach some sort of instinctual meaning to otherwise unrelated consumer products - you could make people want them and desire them and even need them. If we can find a way to make people feel that their instinctual desires have been met when they buy something it would not only fulfil their desires but create a demand.
One of his first early successes was working with cigarette companies to try and get over the social taboo of women smoking. It was not considered to be a feminine thing to do for cultured young women. He organised a PR stunt in 1929 Easter Day Parade. He paid all the women in the parade to take out a cigarette, light it and start smoking. He also contacted the newspaper and told them that it was a suffragette . smoking then increased because women linked smoking to being free and independent as the suffragettes were (even though they weren't). He managed to attach instinctual desires such as being free and independent to something completely irrelevant such as cigarettes.
His company began the use of celebrity endorsements as celebrities are seen as a symbol of success. By linking a product with a celebrity means you link the product with the fame and success. Politicians and Government began to take notice and use PR also.
At the same time as Public Relations began to grow the method of Fordism is beginning to grow. It is a way of making things on the production line, instead of everyone working on everything people were set to work on one small area which would fit into the bigger picture. So instead of making a car they would make little bits of cars. This speeded up productivity and also meant people didn't know all the trade secrets so that they remained the monopoly. It also meant that the rate productivity went up allowed the company to pay individuals more money. Which meant they could have a disposable income which played into the idea of consumerism.
However there is a limited number of things you could buy, once a family has brought a car they don't need to buy another car. So Branding comes in which tries to give each product an identity which removes the mass production image and creates a more personal product to which people buy into.
Bernays was one of the first people to sell cars and cement the idea of buying the car being more to do with your sexual potency rather than the benefits of the car.
Brands move away from the things themselves but sell the life style. So we shift from a need culture to a desire culture. People begin to link them self with the things they consume.
The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard - 8 common techniques which work on an unconscious level where companies use to create a desire for their product:
- selling emotional security
- selling reassurance of worth
- selling ego-gratification
- selling creative outlets
- selling love objects
- selling a sense of power
- selling a sense of roots
- selling immortality
Emotional Security - Fridge/Freezer - actually waste more food because you buy more food to store but it goes out of date and you end up chucking it. But you are buying into the security of knowledge knowing you have food at home.
Creative outlets - Aunt Jemima's pancake mix - you had to add the egg yourself but people bought it because they were sold the idea that they were being creative and cooking.
Selling a sense of Power - masculinity sold through a car.
It give you an identity that perhaps you do not have in the real world.
Walter Lippmann
A new elite is needed to manage the bewildered herd 'manufacturing consent' The idea of consumerism is represented as a way to mass control the masses. The government began to deregulate markets and introduced larger shops. People were given the illusion of being happy whilst actually they were docile.
October 24th 1929 - Wall Street Crash it was the first time where the political class realised that if you let the business' do what they want then it will destroy society. It lead to the great depression.
Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' (1933-36)
-Put monopoly controls on the market.
-Put large taxes on the highest earning business' which then got redistributed amongst the poorest people.
New Yorks World Fair
What happened on the back of Roosevelt's new deal meant that people like Edward Bernays were annoyed and they started a giant PR exercise - the New Yorks World Fair. It was meant to be a celebration of everything great about America and everything that makes it unique and free. The message shown throughout - what makes America great is how much you can buy if you want to. You are an independent individual who can buy what ever you want. Buy into this product - consumerism is freeing you and your participation in it is helping America to lead the world into the future. Big business really knows whats good for the country rather than politicians.
- Consumerism is an ideological project.
- We believe that through consumption our desires can be met.
- The legacy of Bernays Public Relations can be felt in all aspects of 21st Century Society.