1. Male / Female
2. Age Category
18-24 25-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+
3. Occupation
4. What car do you drive?
5. What are your main hobbies and interests?
6. Describe your personality in 3 words.
7. What comes to mind when I say soap?
8. Out of the following brands which are you most likely to buy?
9. What soap/body wash do you currently use?
After creating my first questionnaire I looked at it critically and picked up on a few flaws:
3. Firstly I feel it would be better to ask people to categorise their jobs so this will be easier to analyse.
5. Instead of asking for a list of hobbies I have changed the wording of the question so it asks for just one hobby. This will be easier to analyse and compare to other answers.
6. After deciding not to ask the respondent to describe their personality I have written 5 statements which they can circle how strongly they agree or disagree with. This will give a better insight into their lives and who they are.
Second Questionnaire
This is the second attempt at the questionnaire. There are 5 statements which should help to determine personality, again going over the questionnaire critically I noticed more problems. I want to keep editing the questionnaire until it is right because it is could cause real problems later when it comes to look at the results.
• After showing my questionnaire to Ness she made a valid point - people may feel unhappy or sad circling unskilled work especially if it is their career. I have decided to get rid of the categories and just ask for the occupation, I can categorise them later myself.
• There needs to be some form of instruction and introduction. Although I will be reading it to the majority of people, I will send some out so it does need to make sense to someone who has no idea about what it is.
• After reading doing your research project by Judith Bell, she made it clear that you should always write a bit thank-you at the end. I will incorporate this as well as highlighting the quick time it takes to complete the questionnaire as if people can see it'll be under a minute then they will be more likely to do it. I will also highlight the fact that the questionnaire is anonymous unless they want to leave their contact details.
• I will add a bit at the bottom asking if people would be interested in participating in further research.
• Questions 9 and 10 are too similar - they will produce a similar result as they both find out whether someone is logically driven or more emotionally driven.
• Question 8 - You prefer to be surrounded by a group of people over spending time with yourself.
I don't think this will get good answers because everyone needs time with people just as everyone needs time alone. The question will be changed to "I am happy in my own company" this is a better way of wording it but it still find out what i want to know.
This questionnaire has included all the changes that have been previously noted. There is now an introduction at the beginning of the questionnaire so that it gives the questionnaire context and makes the questions seem less random together. In bold I have highlighted the fact the questionnaire will only take a minute to complete and that it is anonymous. I have left room to write a number in the top - this is something I will do as I go as it will be easier than printing loads off with different numbers. I have changed the structure of the questionnaire so that all the personality questions are at the bottom. This fits in the page a lot better as the other questions can be put into two columns but the personality ones need a longer line for the scale. Questions 11, 12 and 13 have been changed and shortened to make sure that they are all different and will all find out different information. I have written a thank-you section at the bottom and added an extra bit asking if people want to be contacted for further research - I know the majority of people will say no but it will be beneficial to ask and see.
Question 8: Out of the following brands which are you most likely to buy?
This question needed to have a bit more substance behind it. By researching into the target markets and selling points of main brands I will be able to see what people want from a brand. I have picked a few from different price points as well as aiming at various target markets; the more difference between product choices will create a clearer distinction between different market segments that answer.
I was concerned that men may not feel like they would pick any of them, in an effort to reduce this possibility I have added two especially for men: Lynx and Old Spice. The other ranges: Dove, Nivea, Molton Brown, L'Occtaine, and Imperial Leather all have their own mens range of body was as well. The following question in the survey will allow them to write which brand they currently use, so this question will just be useful so seeing their preferences and what products they are most attracted to.
Targets 16-24 year old males who want to be the attraction of all women. "Elida Faberge began by sending the - predominantly female - Lynx marketing department clubbing in towns such as Leeds and Manchester, to give them a feel for their target market of 16 to 24-year-old men." A clear image comes to mind of a lynx user out in Leeds on a Saturday night. Lynx own 50% of their target market which shows how they have perfectly tapped into what the young men want and desire.
Dove actually targets 18-34 year old women which is surprising because traditionally their packaging design shouts out to older women. Women who are middle class and have a high income, although their target market may have a high income, this is not reflected by their reasonable, affordable prices. This fits in with their motto "beauty should be for everyone." their products and advertisements aim to educate girls and women and empower a healthy self perception and self esteem.
Imperial Leather
Imperial leather is positioned as the best luxury soap products. It is luxury for the everyday. The logo has retained a luxurious quality whilst the designs have been revived to represent a gentle explosion of fragrance and indulgence. Some argue that the brand has lost touch with younger generations due to an amorphous personality.
18-34 year old women who have a middle to high income. They are self empowered and want to take good care of their skin for their own health as well as too look good and boost their self esteem. Whilst the target market are strong and independent they are also gentle, caring, and feminine this has been reflected in the packagings amiable effeminate design.
Molton Brown targets the upper end who appreciate a higher quality product and an affluent accompanying brand image. They are known as London's bath, body and beauty connoisseurs and their products can now be found in 5 star hotels, stylish homes and high end department stores. People who buy this like to present a wealthy and upper class lifestyle. The design is refined and classic, their products use rare ingredients and have specialist ranges for both men and women.
Palmolive is a gentle, caring product and company whose long line of history and tradition makes them a trusted brand and product choice today.
Old Spice
Old Spice is no longer viewed as the product your dad uses. Its approach has updated the masculine image which comes with using Old Spice, making it more attractive for women to purchase on behalf of their man as well as it being a more appealing option for men. The advertisements use humour to appeal to their target market, not to forget the sex appeal of their actors presenting "the man your man could smell like". This product is bought by 'real men' who don't want to be related to fancy smells and delicate fragrances.
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