Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Brief 3 - Screen Print (Poster): Crit Feedback

I presented my three ideas to the crit. Below is some of the feedback I was given:


"Really Strong ideas, the compositions really work well. I think your strongest idea is idea 1, I like how the page is split into thirds. The silhouettes are prominent and the white text is highly readable against the purple. Maybe try inverting the colours or experimenting with different ones'"

"I like all your ideas as they all have really strong concepts. Although the scene may not seem as iconic as the rest, my favourite is number 3. Think it has really strong layout composition and like the illustration. Could you try different colours maybe from the purple idea!?"

"Idea 3 seems to be the strongest however I would change the visuals. Perhaps paint splatters next to a weight bench or the two paint buckets without the weights and bar."

"My favourite is design number 2, strongest and very memorable moment from the film"

"Idea one looks most like a movie poster BUT Idea 3 is most intriguing - makes me want to watch it. Love the importance of the hand reaching for the pole. Could you play on the water theme more - could you look at exposing things on live fabrics or use marbling to get a water like pattern"

"Idea one seems the strongest - I  think it would look stronger without type - Purple is always a good choice"

"Idea three looks could be the strongest with some further development. Consider communicating that scene in a more subtle way"

"idea 3 looks the strongest - Nice colour scheme"

"Idea one looks cool"

"Idea one is my favourite. The two meant standing in-front of a cracked city. nice. Idea 3 reminds me of Saul Bass' style. Its nice, but I prefer number 1"

"Idea 1 is most affective. Experiment with the negative space, composition is strong though."

"The aesthetic that you have created (especially the hand design) reminds me of Saul Bass, really well backed up and thought through. Design with hand or silhouette are strongest"

After this I am unsure what poster design to go with. I will take on board the feed back and play around and develop idea three more.

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