Sunday, 9 March 2014

Brief 3 - Screen Print (Poster): Ideas From Watching the film

I decided to rewatch the film and this time screen shot parts that I felt were key or that could be incorporated into a poster design. 

Right from the very beginning of the film you can see it is based around comics; good fighting evil.

The train crash that he was one could make a great poster however it doesn't really hint at what the film is about. Although this may not be a bad thing.

I thought this was quite an iconic image of the silhouetted main character focused in by the dark framing. His waterproof coat looks like a cape, he is standing as if he is viewing the city and protecting it from trouble. 

I noticed that this colour purple was used a lot with Elijah. It seemed no matter how small purple was really a key colour. The colour purple represents various things such as royalty, wealthy, magic and mystery. This colour is known to stimulate imagination and inspire high ideals. This is quite fitting with Elijah's expansive imagination and the feeling of mystery and magic that comes with it.

This was a very detailed comic sketch which seemed to be an interesting style of art. The detail and precision that goes into even the smallest aspect of the piece could make a great poster. However the finer details may be too small to be screen printed.

The whole scene where he is lifting weights but then runs out so adds paint tins to the end seemed to me to be an iconic scene. He is beginning to realise he isn't like normal people and perhaps Elijah was right.

This was another part where he is beginning to realise; as people brush by him he gets snaps of what they have done.

His family all sat on the floor after his son tried to shoot him to prove Elijah right.

David falling in the pool with water being his weakness this is a great scene.

Reaching for help.

Fighting the man who hurt a family.

Newspaper report showing him as a mysterious hero.

Purple is a key colour again for Elijah on flash backs.

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