Sunday, 23 March 2014

Brief 2 - Communication is a Virus: Hanging the Origami

Thursday 20th March
Once Packs were handed out on monday, Aimee and I felt greatly concerned that there hadn't been as big as a reaction as we were hoping for, Throughout the week we were unsure on what to do as we didn't physically have enough origami to create the exhibition and it would have been an embarrassingly small amount on show. 

Thursday night we managed to make an outstanding amount, over 300 birds! and cubes to hand in between. On the friday we were overwhelmed with how many we had made. On the friday I stayed behind with Aimee, Elliott and Kieran as we hung them all up. Other people from graphics also stayed which was really helpful as we were missing members of our team and we would have struggled to do it all ourselves in the time frame.

String was hung around two pillars so that we could attach the origami as we went and get an idea of how full it was. Below are some photos from the night.

This was them all hanging from a distance, Unfortunately we couldn't move it because the fish wire would have tangled.

We had quite a few left over however, we were running out of time and equally if we added any more it wouldn't have looked as good as they were all evenly spaced out.

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